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OT vs IT

  • this often leads to cultural differences between OT and IT
  • it is important that we (security people) understand a bit of the OT culture
  • suggestion: do threat-modelling sessions together to find a common understanding and language

Focus of Security

IT: primary focus upon protecting the IT assets OT: primary focus is protecting the plant or process

High Focus upon Availability

  • Availability is of more important than Confidentiality
  • the monitored/controlled physical process must never be stopped
  • imagine what could go wrong if something like that would happen within a nuclear power plant

  • Integrity is important as this might impact the availability of the physical process

Long Life-Time of Components

  • years until new components get installed within plants
  • often components (or component updates) must be certified before the updated components are allowed to be enabled
  • this is problematic: you would need a spare power plant to perform the certification

Safety First

  • security: preventing threats, originating from humans or the environment
  • safety: preventing threats on humans, originating from humans
  • safety first, eventuell compensating counter-measures (iso 62443)

Prevalence of legacy and proprietary protocols

  • often unencrypted
  • often vendor-specific and vendor lock-in

Physical Security

physical security plays a bigger role in defining threatmodels, since the systems to protect are located in the physical world rather than the digital