What's next and where to start?
- give some concrete hints what would be good intial steps for different roles
As a Builder
As an Operator
As a Security Professional
For this project
- convert all current items from bullet-point lists to text-form
- fix the list behavior (e.g., 4 spaces are needed for new sublist items)
- move 'existing lists/top-11 items' to 'related OWASP projects' (and rename this into 'related projects')
- remove the 'how to test' section and add it to an appendix document?
- rename the 'design/implementation' and 'operational' sections to something more role-specific?
- unify the 'references' section? remove the subsections and just add a list with items and their respective descriptions?
Conceptional problems
- high- vs low-level vulnerabilities? Maybe split out into a separate list (alternative: separate list for vendors/integrators and operators)